Levels:White Mage - 70 (goal: 75, at least!)
--Genkai 1: O
--Genkai 2: O
--Genkai 3: O
--Genkai 4: O
--Genkai 5: O
Thief -
25Summoner -
40 <--at lvl 41... so I could afford to die, lol
Ranger -
14Monk -
8Corsair - 7
Dragoon -
1Puppetmaster -
1Beastmaster - 1 (goal: Write a reflective RP with pet bats)
Dancer - 1 (goal: who knows!)
Scholar - 1 (goal: said to be an amazing subjob for WHM)
Rank:Windurst: 8
Shadowlord Era Windurst: Bronze Star
Zilart: Complete!
Promathia: 4
Aht Urghan: 15 (hopefully will do with Jobberwock and Ariehn sometime)
Shadowlord Era: 10
104Crafting Levels:Clothcraft: 13 (Rank: Recruit)
Woodworking: 19 (Rank: Recruit)
Goldsmithing: 11 (Rank: Recruit)
Cooking: 4
Bonecraft: 10 (Rank: Recruit)
Leathercraft: 2
Fishing: 1
Other Accomplishments:EquipmentRSE: O
Artifact Weapon 1: O
Artifact Armor: O
Carbuncle Mitts: O
Light Staff: O
Apollo Staff: X
Dark Staff: O
Wind Staff: O
HQ Wind Staff has -3 Garuda cost instead of -2: X
Federation Aketon & Signet Staff: O
Spiked Club+1 (in rememberance of Gerai): O
Glowing Wind Crystal Necklace (Maximeo gave it to me...okay, this is an RP item but I don't want to forget it, lol): O
Spells:Erase: O
Elemental Pacts: O
Ifrit: O
Titan: O
Ramuh: O
Shiva: O
Garuda: O
Leviathan: O
Fenrir: X
Diabolos: X
Items4-Leaf Mandragora Bud: O
Star Globe: O
Arcane Flowerpot: O
Goldfish Bowl: O
Federal Mercenary's Hammock: O
Leather Pot: O
Tsahyan Mask: O
Totem Pole: O
Noble's Bed signed by Velfire: O
Ngoma: X
Green Hobby Bo: X
Winged Plaque: X
Delivered Supplies to:Sarutabaruta
Elshimo Lowlands
Elshimo Uplands
Tavnazian Archipelago
Access:Delkfutt Key: O
Kazham Key: O
Airship Pass: O
{Sky}: O
{Sea}: X
3 Mages Gate Portal Charm: O
Rhinostery Certificate: O
Unlit Lantern: O
Monastic Cavern Crimson Orb: O
Star Orb: O (so what'll I use it for, hmm? Probably the two-DRG, one-Anything jelly fight.)
Tavnazia Access: O (Promy.Holla record of 8min 23sec, prev. was 8min 30sec)
Dreamland Dynamis: O (PM 3-5 record of 7min 40sec, prev. was 8min 36sec)
Aht Urghan Boarding Pass: O
Lycopodium Lights require Carnations each and every time!
Lycopodium Light at Garliage Citadel {(G-10) of the second map}: O
Lycopodium Light in Batallia Downs {(F-5)-(F-6) border}: O
Lycopodium Light in North Gustaberg (F-9): O
Teleport-Holla: O
Teleport-Dem: O
Teleport-Mea: O
Teleport-Yhoat: O
Teleport-Altep: O
Teleport-Vahzl: O
Recall-Meriph: O
Recall-Jugner: O
Recall-Passh: O
Teleport-Whitegate from Windurst: O
Teleport-Whitegate from San d'Oria: O
Teleport-Whitegate from Bastok: O
Teleport-Whitegate from Jeuno: O
Runic Portal at Azouph Isle staging point: O
Runic Portal at Dvucca Isle staging point: O
Runic Portal at Halvung staging point: O
Runic Portal at Ilrusi Atoll staging point: O
Runic Portal at Mamool Ja staging point: X
Runic Portal at Nyzul Isle staging point: O
Dynamis-Windurst: O
Dynamis-San d'Oria: O
Dynamis-Bastok: O
Dynamis-Jeuno: O
Dynamis-Beaucedine: O
Dynamis-Xarcabard: X
Dynamis-Valkurm: O
Dynamis-Qufim: O
Dynamis-Bubumiru: O
Dynamis-Tavnazia: X
Storage:All three Mog Safe upgrades: O
All eight Gobbie Bags: O
All five Mog Locker upgrades: O
Maximum Storage space: O
Mithran Mannequin: O
NPC Info:Name: Jesimae Brody
Relation: Friend
Weapon: Kanesada
Headgear: Trader's Chapeau
Favorite combat style: Attacker
Level: 42
Connected to Althaia through her deceased grandfather, who was Telemain Brody.
Upgrade #1: O
Upgrade #2: O
Upgrade #3: Blessed Radiance: X
Check here for more: http://www.koolaid-ffxi.org/linkshell/space/Fellowship+NPC
Not exactly an upgrade: Cameleon Capers: (Leads to an Advanced Job for your NPC)
Wyvern Info: Feminine. Nanaja. (currently Vhiki)
Puppet Info: Masculine. al-Faris al-A'isha Jibril al-Janah (Knight of Althaia Gabriel the Wing).
-Battle Name: Mashira (upgrade to Prestidige)
Chocobo Info: (nothing yet, I want a Green Jennet)
Pankration Info:-1. Relentless Heart - Boreal Couerl - THF/BLM
**Blaster: Paralyzes the opponent
**Chaotic Eye: Silences the opponent
-2. Griffe Reaver - Woodland Runner - WAR/DRK
**Scythe Tail: Inflicts a moderate amount of damage on the opponent
-3. I forget but I've got more pets now.
-4. I forget but I've got more pets now.
-5. I forget but I've got more pets now.
A Few Short-Term Goals (for my own reference use)
-Artifact Armor 2 a.k.a. Relic Armor (I have Cleric's Cap & Pantaloons): X
-Nadrs (lvl 24 thf): http://ffxi.somepage.com/itemdb/279 : X
Some Medium-Term Goals:
Opo-Opo Crown (have Giant Fish Bones)
Chocobo breeding! I want my own Green Jennet.
RSE3: X River equipment.
Relic Accessory lvl 70: X
Avatar Primes' Ring Collection {to go in Mog Locker}: X
Goldfish Bowl from Goldfish Set: Likewise this item can be used to craft a smaller Goldfish Bowl for your mog house. For that you only need a woodworker with level 10 experiance at least and the following ingrediants: Bronze Ingot, Lauan Lumber, Crawler Calculus, Sieglinde Putty, Glass Sheet, Goldfish Set, Tiny Goldfish, Black Bubble-Eye and a light crystal.
My Long Term Goals:
Rank 10 and get a Windurstian Flag: http://ffxi.somepage.com/itemdb/4547 : X
Trump Crown: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?fitem=8900 : X
Chocobo-dig to get a Red Jar (B.Downs, Rolanberry, or S.Champague): http://ffxi.somepage.com/itemdb/3671 : X
Sahagin Key quest: http://ffxi.somepage.com/questdb/514
Escort for Hire (Windurst): http://ffxi.somepage.com/questdb/247 : X
2nd Mannequin Quest: http://ffxi.somepage.com/questdb/424 : X
3rd Mannequin Quest: http://ffxi.somepage.com/questdb/425 : X
70000 Clothcraft Guild points (Skill 48+) and get a Magnifying Specs: X
100000 Clothcraft Guild points (Skill 68+) and get a Weaver's Apron: X
150000 Clothcraft Guild points (Skill 88+) and get a Gilt Tapestry: http://ffxi.somepage.com/itemdb/5277 : X
40000 Clothcraft Guild points and get a Cloth Purification: X
40000 Clothcraft Guild points and get a Cloth Enscorellment: X
Items I've learned to live without: Rabbit Charm, Kosshin, Mithran Scimitar, Mithran Fishing Rod, Bounding Boots, Empress Hairpin, Astralogos, Magic Slacks (HQ of Black Slacks). More to come.
Items on my Radar:
Various Furniture Goals
Stone Gorget & Dia Wand: http://ffxi.somepage.com/questdb/323
Civet Sachet -- Mithra-only ammo type: http://ffxi.somepage.com/questdb/523
Nimbus Doublet: http://ffxi.somepage.com/questdb/74
Rabbit Belt: http://ffxi.somepage.com/news/69
Chocobo Wand: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?fitem=3781
entrancing ribbon rare/ex
Yagudo-style headgear from AltarRoom in Castle Ozjotraz
Quadav-style headgear might actually look cooler on Mithra, can only have one or the other Beastman headgear.