We had a PLD, a NIN, a BLM, a SMN, a SAM, and then there was myself, a WHM. No one was /NIN, though the SMN provided us with Garuda's Aerial Armor and Titan's Stoneskin-like ability at the start of the fight. We finished in 13 minutes and 6 seconds on January 29, sometime after 9pm Eastern, after four or five failed attempts (they did two without me, so it'd be closer to six or seven, if you count strategy runs, lol).
The strategy that finally worked (it was Rikarii's idea, BTW) was for me and the NIN to keep the detector-type mobs (referred to heretowith as "the balls") busy while the PLD main-healed herself and the SAM. The BLM and SMN did damage to the Exoplates then ran away to avoid the big damage moves. I think there was some Stunning whenever possible involved, too... I'm not sure because the NIN and I were all the way on the other side of the battlefield.
I can't say enough that parties must take advantage of the large battlefield when fighting the kid! It helped immensely for us not to just be pounding away at the kid and the balls in about the same area, lol. It was chaos before and the mages were often caught in the big damage moves despite efforts to keep the kid away from the mages.
We made it work to our advantage that the balls seem particularly attracted to mages: I stood the farthest away and the balls would occasionally come over to me; at that point, the NIN would Provoke whatever ball came over to me and I'd recast Blink/Stoneskin as needed. It also worked to our advantage that this strategy left me with a lot of MP for the next half, although I did occasionally go over to heal the SAM or PLD if his or her HP was particularly low. For the most part, however, our Mithra PLD was able to main heal them as needed.
Oh, and the SMN threw a Cure III on me when my HP got into the yellow-almost-orange, too. I probably could've done it myself, but it didn't occur to me, as it's been drilled into me through countless experience points parties that one shouldn't heal oneself, lest one engender even more hate than one already has. XD
Anyway, the first time we tried the strategy, we thought we were going to win, and we got really close, so some of us, including me, 2-houred. We were going to try it again in two hours but we figured, "Meh, might as well give it another try; the strategy is sound and the NIN hasn't 2-houred." XD Anyway, that's what worked for us. Awesomely. Funny part is, I didn't even have to use the new Erase and Stona (for the second form) macros I'd made!
Ah well. The important thing is that we won! We won! Now, about that Divine Might... XD
The List Of Awesome:
Littlebit - Our awesome Galka NIN who proved for me that NIN can tank at high lvls
Rikarii - The Mithra PLD who could main heal AND tank!
Quizard - The male Tarutaru of crazy-high SMN damage and back-up healer
Desudro - Master male Hume BLM of very high damage levels and reader of the Wiki (lol)
Laurient - The male Elvaan SAM of much damage
Althaia - The Mithra WHM: Haster, status ailment-remover, and Healer who kept a few HP bars up at key moments. XD Honestly, compared to the rest of these people, I don't feel that awesome, but I guess that's the curse of the WHM (a.k.a. "She who does little damage" lol).